Lecture series - Natural hazards, vulnerability and disasters:
Interdisciplinary perspectives
For the third time, the lecture series “Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” is taking place this semester as part of the extension curriculum at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna. Kerstin Krellenberg and Thomas Glade are inviting international experts to give an insight into their research on this topic. The aim is to give students and interested participants an in-depth insight into various areas of natural hazards, vulnerability and disasters and to strengthen an interdisciplinary perspective. The lectures take place on Tuesdays from 16:45-18:15 in a hybrid format and can be followed both in the Lecture Hall I at the NIG (if it’s possible for the lecturers) and/or online via Zoom. We look forward to many interested people and lively discussions!