Lecture series
Natural hazards, vulnerability and disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

The Lecture series ‘Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives’ takes place as part of the extension curriculum for Bachelor students at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna. In the summer semester of 2025, the lecture series is an official Circle U. course, open to incoming students from Circle U. partner universities for online attendance. This lecture series aims to provide in-depth knowledge of various areas of natural hazards, vulnerability and disasters and to strengthen an interdisciplinary perspective.
Kerstin Krellenberg and Philipp Marr invite international experts to give an insight into their research on this topic.
The respective experts will present their individual topics in lectures of approx. 45 minutes. Q&A and discussion will take place after the talks.
Access via Zoom: Meeting ID: 646 5277 4185
Passcode: 136483, https://univienna.zoom.us/j/64652774185?pwd=dcBKVfyL3WRKNGnemlARz87sFbdowr.1
We look forward to many fruitful discussions!
NOTE: The program presented is subject to change at short notice.