The 4CITIES cohort 14 landed in Vienna! The first weeks in a new city and a new university might be challenging. They require some knowledge of how to cope with a new university system and how social and cultural life works. Therefore, the 4CITIES team at the University of Vienna organized two Welcome Days at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research on “how to survive in Vienna” as a student and as a resident. 35 master students within the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Urban Studies were introduced by the 4CITIES staff members to the most important aspects of Viennese student life.

Day 1: Semester overview and neighbourhood excursion
On the first day, students received an overview on the upcoming course contents, were provided with a semester overview, and got in touch with new and old 4CITIES staff members including Kerstin Krellenberg, Yvonne Franz, Joshua Grigsby, Walter Matznetter, Ruth Siebenaller, Leon Theilen and Fabian Windhager. In the afternoon, the lecturers made students familiar with the most attractive teaching format: Neighbourhood excursions to Neubau (1070), Penzing (1140) and Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus (1150). Contemporary urban issues became visible “in the field” and will be further discussed throughout the semester. The first welcome day ended with a joint dinner at “Das Eduard” in Vienna’s 15th district.

Day 2: Great Wall of Vienna
The second day started with an introduction into the University of Vienna, its system including all the u:services followed by a general introduction to the City of Vienna its history, cultural life and even do’s and dont’s. Afterwards, the “Great Wall of Vienna” combined the lecturer’s inputs with students’ personal interests to assemble an overview of aims, questions, interests, and expectations for the upcoming semester. After a well-earned lunch break, Fabian Windhager and Benno Urschler visited with the 4CITIZENS the University of Vienna facilities and infrastructure at Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG), main building, and Campus AAKH.

Now, the 4CITIZENS are ready to navigate through the summer term 2023. Welcome to the University of Vienna. Wishing you insightful and exciting urban research experiences!