Lecture series “Natural hazards, vulnerability and disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”
The lecture series “Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” takes place as part of the extension curriculum for Bachelor students at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna.
Invitation to the book presentation
Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (Cooperative urban and regional development) will be presented on March 12. Please register to attend the discussion with the editors Yvonne Franz and Martin Heintel.
Reimagining Urban Education – Podcast
Yvonne Franz reflects together with Stefan de Corte on the 4Cities Master, which will come to an end in 2025
Call for Abstracts – Urban Studies at the EUGEO2025 Congress
Call for Abstracts – Urban Studies at the EUGEO2025 Congress The 10th Congress of the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe (EUGEO 2025) will take place from 8-11 September 2025 in Vienna. Hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, it seeks to analyse and discuss Geographies of a Changing Europe. The Call for Abstracts is
Science for Policy Hackathon
The Science for Policy Hackathon, organized by the University of Vienna’s Environmental Change Hub (ECH) in cooperation with the Urban Sustainability Living Lab, is a collaborative process aimed at fostering innovative solutions at the intersection of science and policymaking.
Circle U. from the perspective of an academic chair
As climate chair of the University of Vienna for the Circle U. alliance, Kerstin Krellenberg will talk about the university network from the perspective of an academic chair on Friday 21st of November.
ARL Summer School 2024
Read about this year’s ARL summer school which took place in Vienna. Together with the Institute for Geography, ViertelZwei was examined by urban researchers from around the world.
Brown Bag Lunch on November 27 – 1:00-2:30pm
This time with Julia Wesely on ‘Overlooked cities. Shifting the gaze in global urban studies.’
Register here and join the discussion!
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Urban Development
After a 4Cities Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Spring School with a focus on transdisciplinarity was held at University of Vienna in 2023, a cross-semester transdisciplinary programme was pursued for the 15th cohort in the summer semester 2024.
Invitation to the book presentation
Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (Cooperative urban and regional development) will be presented on March 12. Please register to attend the discussion with the editors Yvonne Franz and Martin Heintel.
Scoping article: research frontiers on the governance of the Sustainable Development Goals
This article takes stock of the 2030 Agenda and focuses on five governance areas. In a nutshell, we see a quite patchy and often primarily symbolic uptake of the global goals. Although some studies highlight individual success stories of actors and institutions to implement the goals…
Housing refugees from Ukraine: preliminary insights and learnings from the local response in five European cities
The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine caused an escape of more than 7 million people to other European countries. In this extreme context, the accommodation of refugees has been an urgent need and an unexpected challenge for the host cities and societies…
Joint Inaugural Lecture
Kerstin Krellenberg’s inaugural lecture for the professorship at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research will take place on January 11, 2023 in the main hall of the University of Vienna. Find out more here…
Hitze, Überschwemmungen und Co. – Klimawandel findet Stadt und statt
The lecture by Kerstin Krellenberg at the University of Vienna on Youtube. (German)
ERN-Environmental Engagements:talks.
Kerstin Krellenberg talking about “Urban Sustainability Transformations” on Youtube.
Invitation to the book presentation
Kooperative Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung (Cooperative urban and regional development) will be presented on March 12. Please register to attend the discussion with the editors Yvonne Franz and Martin Heintel.
Call for Abstracts – Urban Studies at the EUGEO2025 Congress
Call for Abstracts – Urban Studies at the EUGEO2025 Congress The 10th Congress of the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe (EUGEO 2025) will take place from 8-11 September 2025 in Vienna. Hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, it seeks to analyse and discuss Geographies of a Changing Europe. The Call for Abstracts is
Science for Policy Hackathon
The Science for Policy Hackathon, organized by the University of Vienna’s Environmental Change Hub (ECH) in cooperation with the Urban Sustainability Living Lab, is a collaborative process aimed at fostering innovative solutions at the intersection of science and policymaking.
Reimagining Urban Education – Podcast
Yvonne Franz reflects together with Stefan de Corte on the 4Cities Master, which will come to an end in 2025.
The Urban Political Podcast: Sanitation and the right to citylife
Listen to the podcast about urban sanitation with Julia Wesely and other experts from different universities!
JETzt: Podcast
How to get more trees in the city – how to create an efficient green infrastructure in the city? Episode 25 of the JETzt podcast features Kerstin Krellenberg.
The city of the future – Ö1 Science Arena
At the invitation of Barbara Dalheimer, urban researcher Kerstin Krellenberg and architect Bernd Vlay discussed the city of the future.
The Materials of the Future: Lecture and panel discussion at the University of Vienna
The lecture by Mark Miodownik and the subsequent panel discussion (with Kerstin Krellenberg, among others) on the semester question: What will our future be made of?
Available on YouTube!
Lecture series “Natural hazards, vulnerability and disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”
The lecture series “Natural Hazards, Vulnerability and Disasters: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” takes place as part of the extension curriculum for Bachelor students at the Institute of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna.
Reimagining Urban Education – Podcast
Yvonne Franz reflects together with Stefan de Corte on the 4Cities Master, which will come to an end in 2025
ARL Summer School 2024
Read about this year’s ARL summer school which took place in Vienna. Together with the Institute for Geography, ViertelZwei was examined by urban researchers from around the world.